If you need to move your application from one computer to another, follow the instructions found on this page.
These instructions work for Fast Company, Estate-a-Base, Will Builder and The Conveyancer.
To move the program and all data from one computer or server to another, please follow the steps below:
- Determine which computer is the host or server. This can be done by checking the backup settings in Go To > Data Backup > Backup Data
- The program folder location will be indicated as the parent folder shown below. Eg. C:\FASTCO is the location in this example. For Estate-a-Base, the data folder should contain "EST8BASE".
- On the old host or server, locate the program folder you found in steps 1 and 2.
The folder names for the Programs are:
The Conveyancer: TCWIN
Estate-a-base: EST8BASE
Fast Company: FASTCO/FCWIN
WillBuilder: WILLBUILDER - Copy the entire program folder from the source host and paste it on the target host. You can do this via your office network, or using an external storage device such as a hard drive, USB key or compact disc.
- Contact our Customer Service Team at 1-866-367-7648 or 416-322-6111 to validate the program and set up the new host.