Set up a new user in eConveyance

A user at a firm with administrative privileges in econveyance is able to add a new user 
(conveyancer) to the Company.

To begin, navigate to the Profiles icon on the pink menu bar across the top of the econveyance page.

1. From the drop-down menu, hover your cursor over Profiles and then click on Company 
Profile in the fly-out menu.

2. Click on the Manage Users tab and click Add at the top of the list of conveyancers

3. On the first tab, New Conveyancer, fill in the last name, first name, initials and email 
address of the user. You may also set the file colour for the calendar if your firm uses this

4. On the second tab, File Access, select and move the Lawyers/Notaries that the user will be 
working on files for from the list of Available Lawyers/Notaries to the Selected column.

5. On the third tab, Login Info, you can create the login/username for the user by clicking 
"Create New Login", then follow the steps outlined below.

  1. Enter the username. The username can be anything of your choosing such as an 
    email address or first initial and last name.
  2. If the user is to have Administrative Privileges in econveyance select the tick box. 
    The Administrator has the ability to make changes in the Company Profile and add 
    and remove users. We suggest only one or two people having administrative 
    privileges at a firm at one time.
  3. Click on the blue link conveyancer to bring in the email from the new users’ profile to 
    send the confirmation email to or enter the email address where the authentication 
    email is to go to so that the user can be authenticated and set up. (This email will 
    have steps to set up the user and a temporary password).
  4. Click "Provide Default Document Groups". This will trigger the default document 
    groups to be provided to the user in their files and it will trigger the email to be sent 
    from the program. If you have customized documents the user can add them to 
    their groups and modify their groups at any time.

The email should arrive in approximately 2-5 minutes. Because the email is auto-generated 
by the system sometimes it may go to your Junk folder and sometimes the email may not 
come in at all. It depends on the firewall settings of your firm. If the email is not delivered, 
please contact the Very Helpful Desk, and we will reset the password from our end.

Please note: The activation email expires after 48 hours