eCorp Share Transaction - Redeem Shares

View this guide to learn how to redeem shares in an eCorp Share Transaction


Redeem Shares

1. Go to the eCorp home page
2. Select Finance (Left Menu Option)
3. Select Share Transactions under Things to Do
4. Select Redemption under Things to Do
    a. If redemption is not listed:
        i. Go to Finance
        ii. Select the class of shares you are redeeming
        iii. Ensure that Redeemable is selected as a special right or restriction
        iv. If not, Edit the class, select Redeemable, if appropriate, then select the Edit button to save information
        v. Return to step 2
5. Enter Information:
    a. Date, Shareholder, Quantity, Price
6. Select Submit
7. If only a partial amount of shares were redeemed (for example only 10 of 50 shares redeemed), allocate the balance of shares
    a. Select Finance
    b. Select Pending Share Transactions
    c. Select the date of the Balance Transaction
    d. Select Allocate Balance of Shares
    e. Confirm and or amend the Quantity, Price, Target Shareholder
8. If all transactions have been entered and are pending, select the documents for generation
9. Select Submit

Have documents reviewed and signed; once approved and completed, you can select the pending matter and choose to Mark Transaction Complete