The Lawyers and Timekeepers feature is used to add lawyers and timekeepers and to edit, delete and print lawyer and timekeeper information. You must add your lawyers/timekeepers before opening clients/matters. Information that refers to lawyers also applies to timekeepers.
- Click on Lists > Lawyers and Timekeepers.
- Click on New at the bottom of the form.
- Enter the new unique lawyer number.
- Enter the first name, last name and Initials of the new lawyer.
- Select the type of the Lawyer – Responsible or Originating.
- Now select the position of the lawyer from the drop-down list.
- Enter the designation of the lawyer.
- Enter the default bill rate. You can change the rate in the clients and matters and also at the time of entering Time and fees.
- Enter the Start date of the lawyer.
- Default selection is “Lawyer/Timekeeper is active”.
- Click on Save and Close.
- You can keep the default bill rate as zero also, the rates effected in the Time and Fees is the rates defined while opening the clients.
- If the lawyer has additional rates enter them in the spaces provided on the right side under Rate A, Rate B.
- To edit the existing lawyer, select the lawyer in the lawyers and timekeepers and click on pencil (just besides cross) and edit the information.
- To make the lawyer or timekeeper inactive, just uncheck the box which says Lawyer/Timekeeper is active.