How to Edit a Bill


  1. Click on Clients & Matters and select the client.
  2. Click on Bills & Payments tab and select a bill you want to edit.
  3. Make sure that the status of the bill is unpaid.
  4. Right click on the bill > Edit.
  5. The Create Pre Bills and Bills window will open.
  6. You can edit a client, time and fees, flat fees, disbursements, taxes, date of the bill, or trust transfer to pay bill amount.
  7. Click on View Bill to view the changes.
  8. Click on Finalize Bill and select an appropriate option to post the bill.


  • There is a Global Setting option that allows you to restrict editing of paid and unpaid bills by specifying a cutoff date.  This option is located on the Global Settings > Billing tab.


  • When editing paid bills, keep in mind the changes you make will impact previous financial reports.  If you have closed a period you need to be aware of this.