How to Print Cash Requirement by Vendor Report

The Cash Requirements by Vendor report displays a list of outstanding accounts payable invoices by vendor.  This report includes the invoice date, due date, aging (number of days past the due date), and invoice number and description.  You can print a summary version with one line per invoice, or with invoice details showing distributions to client files and general ledger accounts and showing payments applied to the invoices.

Steps :

  1. Click on Reports and select Cash Requirements by Vendor.
  2. In the transactions "from" and "to" fields, enter the date range for transactions to include on the report.  It is normal to run this report from 01/01/1980 to a month end date.
  3. Select all vendors to print the report for all vendors. Alternatively, you can select the range of vendors.
  4. To print a summary version with one line per invoice, select Include invoice splits.  To print invoice details showing distributions to client files and general ledger accounts and showing payments applied to the invoices, select Yes.
  5. Click Alpha to order the report by vendor name or click Numeric to order by vendor number.
  6. Click on View to display the report on your screen or click on Print to send it to your printer.