The Client Listing report is used when you require a list of client files with information such as matter description, responsible lawyer, originating lawyer, area of law and major client code. The report also includes unbilled (work in progress), accounts receivable, trust and retainer balances. (Retainers apply only to firms operating in the United States.)
Steps :
- Click on Reports and select Client Listing.
- In the transactions from and to fields, enter the date range for transactions to include on the report. It is normal to run this report from 01/01/1980 to a month end date.
- Choose whether to print the report by responsible lawyer, originating lawyer, assigned lawyer or secretary, or for the firm. The default is firm.
- If you are printing the report by client / matter, select the client range to include. Default is all.
- If you are printing the report by lawyer or secretary, select the lawyer/secretary range to include. You can print the report for a single lawyer/secretary, for a range of lawyers/secretaries, or for all lawyers/secretaries. All lawyers will show on one report.
- Select the range of areas of law to include. If you do not make a selection all areas of law will be included.
- Select the range of major clients to include. If you do not make a selection all major clients will be included.
- Select alpha to sort the report by client name or select numeric to sort by client file number.
- Select group inactive lawyers / timekeepers to extract the report for inactive lawyers also.
- Select suppress zero balances to exclude client files with zero balances.
- Select memorize to add the report with the current options to the memorized reports. Report can only be added once to the memorized reports.
- Click view to display the report on your screen, enabling you to export the report and to drill down for more information. Or, click print to send the report to your printer.
Tips :
- If the unbilled (work in progress), billed (accounts receivable) or trust totals for a client file are incorrect, check the dates used to enter the transactions. Also, check the transactions from dates on the report. Only transactions entered within the date range selected will display on the report.
- Total of unbilled fees, unbilled disbursements, billed fees and billed disbursement will match the total in the general ledger (to the same period).
- Totals will match general ledger, when printed to the same period. Report must include all selections to match correctly, subsets will not match.
Client Listing Unbilled Fees total = 1070 Unbilled – Fees G/L
Client Listing Unbilled Disb total = 1075 Unbilled – Disbursements G/L
Client Listing Billed Fees total = 1045 Accounts Receivable Fees G/L
Client Listing Billed Disb total = 1050 Accounts Receivable Disbursements G/L
Client Listing Trust total = 2075 Client Funds in Trust (Regular and Term values)