How to Print Outstanding Cheque List Report

The outstanding cheque list displays a list of firm cheques, accounts payable cheques or trust cheques that have not been cleared.  You can extract this report by bank and for a specific date range, and you can filter the report by cheque details for cheques that were distributed to multiple client files or general ledger accounts.

Steps :

  1. Click on Banking & Reconciliation and select Outstanding Cheque List.
  2. In the transactions from and to fields, enter the date range for cheques to include on the report.  It is normal to run from 01/01/1980 to the month end date.
  3. Select a bank to generate report for. Default selection is for all bank accounts (general and trust).
  4. Select Summary to view a summary by cheque number and select Details to view a breakdown of cheque distributions for each cheque number.
  5. Click on View to display the report on your screen or click on Print to send it to your printer.


  • Select Memorize to add the report with the current options to the memorized reports.  Report can only be added once to the memorized reports group.